Do you prefer to have all your employees sat at their desks where you can micro-manage them, or are you a macro-manager with a more relaxed management style? The latest news and headlines to keep you up to date on the COVID-19 pandemic. All because people started to accept flexible work arrangements that offered a healthy work-life balance. As you can imagine, the major benefit of a flexible work arrangement is flexibility. In our Workplace Trends: Collaboration in the Remote Era report, more than 370 managers, company executives, supervisors, and Human Resources professionals shared how the COVID era has impacted their workplace. var regex = new RegExp(regexS, 'i'); "Around here, it's hard for people to work a regular 9-to-5 shift," George said. If your employees are dealing with long commutes, poor productivity, or conflicting schedules, then consider how . All responsibilities and obligations can be met while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. if (typeof utag != "undefined") { This balance enhances ones chances of being fully satisfied at work and encourages them to perform. When you free your office of the traditional seating arrangement and look beyond the usual schedule, youll find opportunities abound. Flexible work arrangements, as the name suggests, are a form of employment where a strict or traditional work schedule is not religiously followed. D21/598840. . In this article, we have shed light on some of the pros and cons of hiring remote developers which can greatly assist you in making the right decision Planning to hire Indian software developers in 2022 while sitting in the US? This way, workers can fully commit to being productive during their working hours without worrying about being late. In a survey conducted by Airtasker , remote employees worked 1.4 more days every month, or 16.8 . By doing this, they save money on several expenses each day. } Employers can set up the necessary work hours for the employees working part-time. For example, all employees should work between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM. // Grab Google Client ID from console and populate input setTimeout(function () { Not only do they meet the demands of facilities working to maximize their useable space effectively, theyre also a cornerstone of culture-focused companies. // Populate hidden fields using gup() The survey found that: On top of keeping employees healthy, flexible work arrangements help keep employees happy. A condensed work week is a type of flexible working arrangement that allows employees to start earlier in a work day or finish later in the same work day. It forces you to schedule doctor's appointments at the beginning or end of the day. So, flexible work arrangements are not a direct result of Covid-19. 684-5600. // 'needs-validation' and 'was-validated' are bootstrap classes 'event': jQuery('#eventTracker').val(), var confirmUrlCL = jQuery('input[name="confirmUrlCL"]').val(); If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 'lobName': lobName, But why the rapid rise in more accommodating work environments? Others work better in the very early morning and prefer to be done midday. Payroll Issues Related to Flexible Work Arrangements. 1. } Some employees may become more actively involved when they do come into the office, and are more willing to offer up creative ideas. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Furthermore, according to a study conducted by the US Patent and Trademark Office, employees working with flexibility are 4.4% more productive than those working from offices. When she's not writing, you'll find her on her couch, annoying her dog, or cooking something in her kitchen! They are also choosing flexible schedules over everything else! The primary aspects of the pilot program are as follows: The survey found that: 89% of respondents thought a flexible job would help them take better care of themselves. Here are seven key benefits to consider to offer your staff more flexibility: Hot-desking schemes are becoming increasingly popular in many offices, allowing employees to use communal seats and computers on the days they come into work. In the physical sense, its anything that untethers workers from their desk and allows them to float freely in the office. 'event_label': jQuery('#eventLabel').val(), The employee may work as few as 17.5 hours per week under this arrangement. jQuery.ajax({ Flexible work arrangements have a broad definition. +1 844-351-3534. By doing this, they balance their work life and home. jQuery("#formBody").hide(); 30 June 2021. // utag link push to trigger the Tealium event console.log("clientId is undefined"); 88% believe flexible work arrangements would decrease their levels of stress. Flex time. 6) Forced Leave. jQuery('.needs-validation').addClass("was-validated"); Moreover, if any of your employees get sick, allow them to work from home in these circumstances rather than leaving them off. Flexible working also helps your employees relish their role and this can mean valuable increases in productivity and performance. In many cases, managers are actively encouraging their employees to take advantage of their flexible work arrangements. It's not just staff members who stand to gain from such initiatives, as organisations can reduce costs, improve output and increase loyalty when schemes are implemented in the right way. The following are the flexible work arrangements which may be considered, among others: 1) Compressed workweek. An Overall Summation of Flexible Work Arrangement Benefits: Just like we have discussed above, there are several advantages that come with flexible work arrangements. lobName = jQuery('#candidateInfoLOB').val(); Employees that are engaged always know their responsibilities and how what they do helps the business succeed. To really understand why theyre such a boon for companies, lets explore their benefits closely at each angle. FlexJobs also found that respondents overwhelmingly said having flexible work options would help them better themselves, which in turn benefits employers because happy, health workers can positively impact your bottom line. jQuery('input[name="utmTerm"]').val(gup('utm_term').replace(/\+/g, ' ')); Remodeling your current space? Work hours may be negotiated, or they may be chosen to coincide with peak . It may also be considered in some cases for employees with health problems or disabilities. // Submit 3) Flexi-holidays schedule. Employees who have access to remote-work opportunities including flexible work location, distributed teams, and . It could be that they have childcare responsibilities or voluntary commitments, and are looking to achieve a better work-life balance. case 'client': Increased creativity. In terms of flexible working, the potential advantages for employees are well-known - including an improved work-life balance, greater autonomy and employee motivation. A condensed version of working 40 hours every week! var windowURL = window.location.href; Embracing a flexible work environment means embracing the social aspect of your workplaces culture. Additionally, employers can reduce their environmental impact by renting smaller offices and using less water and electricity. The global survey reveals how employees are more productive and less likely to get interrupted when working from home because they select the place that increases their productivity the most. Stay Informed! Better work-life balance : If everyone at a company needs to work from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, for example, sacrifices need to be made. Read more. Flexible work arrangements refer to flexible starting and ending times, compressed workweeks, and voluntary reduced work time. } else if (jQuery('#candidateInfoLOB').val()) { The benefits of flexible work arrangements. } Staff and employers both benefit from these changes by reducing their carbon footprint. Many employers offer flexible working arrangements to make their employees' lives easier. Why should a business consider offering flexible work arrangements. Lets find out in this article! Employees with any physical disability who can't work in an office can provide ideas or perceptions from their own flexible working space. Not only are the employees willing to work flexibly over getting perks, it even benefits the organization's performance well. With flexible work schedules, employees have the option to complete tasks when they feel most productive, which can be outside of the standard 9-to-5 working hours. You might work at a hot desk one day, occupy a window seat the next, and collaborate with a group in a conference room later in the week. Saumya is a content writer whos been writing for over five years now. Adoption of an alternative work schedule requires the supervisor's and/or department head (Director/Dean/Associate Dean) advance approval in writing, and is based on their determination that the arrangement will work for all concerned. It emphasizes the importance of the quality of work employees do rather than where they do it! There are many intangibles that contribute to a flexible work situation, including being able to work from home or a coworking space. However, it can also require people to work from co-working spaces, public libraries, coffee shops, or anywhere else. The same is true for Leslie, Ann, and April, who are working together on a group project. } jQuery('input[name="SF_Contact_ID"]').val(gup('i').replace(/\+/g, ' ')); These people are always more productive. For example, you can bring your child to work while completing budget reports. You can create and grow a more productive business by providing flexible working arrangements to your employees. These arrangements ensure you don't need to make personal sacrifices for work. But, as several recent studies have found, workers of all types desire more flexible working arrangements. Conscious of the need to prove they can work effectively from home, and justify the arrangement, many employees work harder than ever to deliver results. else if (jQuery('input[name="confirmUrl"]').length) { Now, 80% of businesses and organizations offer flexible working schedules to their employees. In an always on, mobile society, employers and managers who adopt a flexible arrangement must model good practices. Alternative work schedules deviate from the traditional "8-to-5" workday and Monday through Friday workweek. Flexibility in terms of employment is considered a mandate for a compensation package. One of the best benefits of flexible working is the opportunity for organizations to hire top talent from across the globe. People are reluctant to go back to the office. As per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 47 million Americans quit their jobs voluntarily in 2021. jQuery('input[name="utmCampaign"]').val(gup('utm_campaign').replace(/\+/g, ' ')); Delegate remote workers for a few days. Results from a recent Culpepper Benefits Survey reveal that 90 percent of companies offer one or more flexible work arrangements to employees. Flexible work arrangements are a cornerstone of culture-focused companies. else Research suggests that flexible work arrangements are a key driver of overall employee well . This would set the core hours as 11am-3pm, enabling employees to . Andy and Chris have a lot in common and are friends outside of work; allowing them to collaborate at work and bounce ideas off of each other will create an environment rife for productivity. Happy, motivated employees - those . // inputs variable contains all of the elements in the form which need validation url = window.location.href; var results = regex.exec(url); }, 3000); This balance reduces stress and improves relaxation. . scrollTop: jQuery("#submitMessage").offset().top - (jQuery("#submitMessage").outerHeight() / 2) Organizations can attract and retain the best talent while offering the benefits that employees actually need. Those employees who are sincere with their jobs always perform better than those employees who are not sincere. Flexible working is all about having the option to work in a space conducive to your needs. } And as an employee, it will give you an outstanding balance in your life and boost your productivity. }; }; 70% of UK employees feel that flexible working makes a job more attractive to them and 30% would prefer flexible working to a pay rise. case 'candidate': The underlying component here is "freedom"! According to the survey, 36% of respondents said their boss doesnt model good work/life balance practices. Meeting-free days. If your employees are dealing with long commutes, poor productivity, or conflicting schedules, then consider how flexible working arrangements can benefit you. It's no longer the case that every employee needs to be in the office to be productive. The office has always been a social place. 87% of respondents said it would create more time to spend with family or friends. They can select the location where they work or schedule their flexible hours instead of working at a particular place or particular time. Their operations and success will no longer be limited by geographic boundaries or any demographics. This unlocks powerful collaboration and camaraderie among your workers. if (results == null) }); // end ready A clear link between employee well-being and flexible working arrangements. If employees are eager to work flexibly, they will aim to cause as little disruption as possible, minimising the input needed from their manager. 70% say work has conflicted with their efforts to take care of . If you're looking for work over the holiday season, here are some helpful tips to get you started. The survey found that: For employers, offering your workforce flexible schedules provides your employees with a better work/life balance. Is your workplace technology holding you back? . We've a 7-day FREE TRIAL for you to familiarizeyourself with the tool. Although partially, it is a tipping point for giving way for flexible work arrangements to become a global phenomenon. For instance, absenteeism rate reduces in flexible arrangements, which causes less intrusiveness in terms of work and meeting goals. Meeting-free days are days on which the employee has no meetings scheduled. This is especially critical as we remain in the throes of the Great Resignation.. var validInput = 0; Department of Education, Skills and Employment. Flexible working arrangements benefit both the employee and the company in several ways. }); var confirmUrlCA = jQuery('input[name="confirmUrlCA"]').val(); 89% of respondents thought a flexible job would help them take better care of themselves. 651 N. Broad Street, Suite 206,Middletown DE, United States. Flexible work arrangementsregardless of the variables involvedare a true embodiment of their name. When you give the power of flexible work arrangements to your staff, you encourage them to be social. She is responsible for turning complex jargon into simple and beautiful words which everyone can understand. When employees arent tied to their desks, theyre free to work wherever and with whomever they want. Remote work is a flexible work arrangement that allows employees to gain more flexibility in their daily lives and work locations. Here are some top-notch benefits of adopting flexible work arrangements in your company: Most employers never allow their employees to work flexibly because they think it is essential to watch their staff. } This has the effect of giving everyone a little more personal space, reducing friction and improving comfortalongside the many benefits inherent in flexible work situations. Truly, hybrid working is one of the most flexible working arrangements of all time, which diminishes the concept of "working at a particular location". Privacy Policy, Benefits of Flexible Work Arrangement For Employees. }, 500); function subForm() { if (url == null) A flexible work schedule allows employees a level of autonomy to create their own schedules and find a work-life balance that works for them.Rather than a traditional, 40 hour nine-to-five work week, a flexible schedule allows employees to vary the times they begin and end their work day. name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); jQuery("#submitMessage").show(); 'eventCat': jQuery('#eventCategory').val(), The biggest HR concerns parallel challenges from previous years: improving culture, enhancing performance, and filling talent needs. Types of Flexible Work Arrangements. Telecommuting/working remotely . Employees get the flexibility of working from different locations, including home, on the go, or in the office. This has the effect of giving everyone a little more personal space, reducing friction and improving . flexible work arrangements at Orbit Logic was the desire to draw top talent. Allowing flexible work arrangements for your employees is one of the great ways to empower them. 97% of respondents who say they have mental health issues believe a flexible job would help. // scroll to the Submit message FWAs promote diversity and inclusion, cross-training, and have a positive impact on workplace culture, morale and employee recruitment, engagement and retention. It also allows the employees to rest, put their minds at ease, and boost productivity. data: jQuery('#formBody').serialize(), 97% of respondents who say they have mental health issues believe a flexible job would help. Flexible work arrangements must ensure that the same or enhanced level of service required of the position is being provided in support of our educational mission and essential administrative requirements. A great benefit of flexible working is that it ensures that companies operate in a pro-green manner. Flexible work arrangements will have a positive or net-neutral impact. Per a new Staples study, a whopping 90 percent of workers say more flexible work arrangements and schedules will boost morale . The occasional use of flexible working arrangements considerably increases the employee's job satisfaction and their chances of staying with their present company for longer. For Academic Year 2022-23, the University is continuing a pilot program for Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA) designed to expand the use of flexibility of working locations and hours worked in circumstances in which the schedule can better meet the needs of the University and staff. If youre unable to offer the candidate a higher salary, highlighting the benefits of a better work/life balance may be all it takes to hook that candidate in! var utag; dataType: "json", In a flexible work arrangement, employees can work harder with reduced mental and physical burnout and better control over their lives. 'nonInteraction': jQuery('#nonInteraction').val(), Employees may choose to work fewer than the standard 37.5 or 40 hours work week. if (inputs[i].validity.valid === true) { It surely does until you try! (Contingent work was defined to be lower-waged forms of non-permanent work arrangements that include contracting, employment through a temporary agency, sequential short term . These arrangements may be on a temporary or permanent basis depending on individual circumstances.{ Direct costs that contribute to keeping an employee at a desk, including internet use and general office expenses, are significantly reduced if the employee works from home or with limited office . For example, hiring part-time employees entails cost-cutting for overheads like employee benefits, insurance, retirement funds, etc. The workforce in a homogenous location is also less diverse. Taking steps to encourage employees to have passion and enthusiasm for their job can be critical to retain top talent. switch (confirmContactType) { For many companies, its not until they reach the absolute breaking point that they choose to upgrade their lease to pay for more square footage. What's up with Turing? confirmationPages(); success: function () { And, most importantly, are they actually worth it for companies and their employees? Affording every worker the opportunity to work in the way that suits them is the epitome of flexible work arrangements. And most over-50s want to ease slowly into retirement . Defining hybrid working is a bit difficult; it is a type of flexible work arrangement wherein employees can work on-site, off-site, or remotely in different scenarios. var OnetrustActiveGroups = ''; But, what exactly do we mean by a flexible work arrangement? An increasing number of people have been quitting their jobs since 2009. Tell us the skills you need and we'll find the best developer for you in days, not weeks. Flexible arrangements are usually established with a set range of start and end times, and if required, core working hours when all staff must be at work. When you work 40 hours per week (or even part-time), it can feel like your job dictates your life. Flexible work arrangements offer an immediate, almost too-good-to-be-true solution. Work gets in the way of managing the family, and family gets in the way of managing work ; a situation sometimes referred to as "work-life conflict". Part-time jobs are typically geared toward stay-at-home parents, students, and other populations who cannot work full-time for various reasons. jQuery('button[name="submit"]').after(jQuery('Loading')); function gup(name, url) { A clear link between employee well-being and flexible working arrangements. 'eventLbl': jQuery('#eventLabel').val(), 76% thought it would help them be more available to their friends. Allowing employees to work from home ensures they minimize their commute to work, reducing their carbon footprint. While employees will be working the same number of hours as others, they will not be working at the same time each day. if (jQuery('#newsClient').is(':checked')) { In fact, as per HealthLine, when people work flexibly, there is an almost 15% reduction in their carbon footprint. Separating your 8am to 6pm workforce into two shifts will prevent overlap from so many bodies in one place at the same time. Some professionals actively look for jobs that will allow them to work flexibly. 2022 BLR, a division of Simplify Compliance LLC 5511 Virginia Way, Suite 150 Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 800-727-5257 All rights reserved. 'lobName': lobName, for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { It can also lead to more innovative professionals thinking outside the box. return ""; But flexible work has numerous variations, each with its own set of pros and cons for employer and employee . if (validInput !== inputs.length) { Being able to control their work environment and schedule allows them to collaborate in a way thats best for all of them, with a social element that makes work feel a little less like work. Unlike conventional ways of employment, flexible working arrangements do not cause any obstruction in daily operations. Faculty members seeking a temporary change in their University workspace or on-campus work expectations must make a request to their dean or chancellor. Do you have temp jobs that need filling? Examples of flexible work arrangements. The Risk of Flexible Employment Arrangements. As per a 2019 survey, remote workers are actually working an additional 1.4 business days every month compared to employees working from a physical office. // Redirect to the dedicated confirmation page Flexible work arrangements are defined as "any work schedule that differs from the traditional, fixed 9-to-5 work day and 40-hour work week." Here are some examples of flexible work arrangements. }; Thanks to new tools and software, work can be completed without coming into . Flexible work arrangements can also encourage professionals to 'think outside the box' and be more innovative. var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"; 'nonInteraction': jQuery('#nonInteraction').val(), dataLayer.push({ These employees may also be more likely to engage in their organization and make a valuable contribution to it. Benefits of flexible work arrangements . Although, every single employee in such a flexible work arrangement will be responsible for completing the entire job. This allows them to use fewer resources and reduce their environmental impact. 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